Participate and stand to win over $1,800 worth of prizes.
Winners will be announced on Aussie Beef & Lamb’s Facebook and Instagram pages at 1100 hours on 9th July 2022.
Meet any one of the requirements below:
Order at least one dish from The Great Steak Escape promotional menu at any of the participating restaurants
Purchase The Great Steak Escape promotional family bundle OR spend a minimum of S$30 on Australian beef and/or lamb in a single receipt, from any of the participating gourmet grocers, butchers and meat retailers
Purchase the Steak-Away staycation experience, available exclusively at Park Hotel Alexandra

The Great Steak Escape - Steak & Win (henceforth referred to as “the Contest”) by Meat & Livestock Australia - Aussie Beef & Lamb (henceforth referred to as “the Organiser”) is open to all, including Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and foreigners residing in Singapore, above the age of 18.
Employees and their immediate families of the Organiser, its partners, partners’ employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors, suppliers and advertising agencies are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
Contest entries must be submitted with relevant proof of purchase, by 2 July 2022 (the “End Date”), 2359 hours. Entries submitted after the aforementioned time will not be considered.
Proof of purchase must clearly state the date of purchase, items purchased and value of purchase. Only the following items purchased between 0000hrs on 1 June 2022 to 2359 on 30 June 2022, from official participating venues will be eligible for entry:
Any dish from The Great Steak Escape - Family Edition promotional menu at any of the participating restaurants
Any family bundle from the The Great Steak Escape - Family Edition promotion OR a minimum purchase of S$30 worth of Australian beef and/or lamb in a single receipt, from any of the participating gourmet grocers, butchers and meat retailers
Steak-Away staycation experience, available exclusively at Park Hotel Alexandra
The Great Steak Masterclass by Fyregrill
Multiple entries with unique proof of purchase will be accepted, and each entry will count as one eligible chance to win the contest.
To take part in the Contest, participants must submit their entries via the Contest website at www.thegreatsteakescape.com.
There will be a total of three winners and the winners will be determined by the Organiser. No transfer, substitution, or cash equivalent for the Prize is permitted.
Registration and submission of entries implies automatic acceptance of rules and regulation of the Contest. In the event of dispute, the decision of the Organiser is final.
Entries that fail to comply with all rules stipulated in the Terms and Conditions are subject to disqualification.
Winners will be selected at random from a ballot which comprises all the eligible entries.
Winners will be announced on Aussie Beef & Lamb’s Facebook and Instagram pages at 1100 hours on 9th July 2022. Winners will also be notified via the contact information submitted when uploading the entry.
Winners may be asked to provide identification. Any winner who is not contactable or who fails to return contact within 48 hours of notification will be disqualified. They thereby forfeit their right to the prize, no compensation will be given and a reserve entrant will be selected as an alternative winner.
Winners may be required to participate in publicity which may include having their photograph taken for promotional and press purposes.
The Organiser’s selection of winners is final and binding on the entrants. No correspondence will be entered into.
In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Organiser reserves the right to substitute the contest prize for an alternative of equal or greater value.
If an act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser, and which prevents the Organiser from complying with the Terms and Conditions, the Organiser will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing their obligations. The Organiser reserves the right to modify, delay, postpone or cancel the Competition in the event of circumstances outside of its reasonable control.
Singapore law governs the Contest.
For One-night Room Stay at Park Hotel Alexandra
Redemption of stay is valid until 20 August 2022.
Not valid for stay on eve of and Public Holidays, Friday and Saturday.
Other blackout dates apply.
Accommodation reservation must be made in advance with credit card and subject to availability.
Hotel reserves the right to cancel or alter the terms and conditions of the stay at any time.
Prize is not exchangeable for cash
Your participation in this Contest is conditional upon you consenting to the Organiser and its affiliated companies and business units collecting, using, disclosing, transferring and processing your personal data for the following purposes: (i) to administer the Contest and choose the winner; and (ii) consumer research, promotional and marketing purposes.
By participating in this Contest and submitting your details via the entry form, you agree that the Organiser may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as provided in the entry form, for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and our data protection policy (available at our website): (a) to administer this draw, including to contact you for the administration of prizes in relation to this draw.
Please visit our website for further details on our data protection policy, including how you may access and correct your personal data or withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data.